maxwellAI presents – The NRL Experiment

This website started out as a (neglected) personal blog  for posting short articles on the practical applicability of machine learning algorithms, and as a news and information site for artificial intelligence and predictive modelling. While that purpose still ultimately holds, it has (at least for the time being) been repurposed for the National Rugby League (NRL) experiment. The NRL experiment is a personal challenge for me to predict the outcome of every match in the 2016 NRL season using machine learning algorithm/s. Further I will be putting my money where my mouth is, and I will be staking (real money) on the recommendations of the algorithm. I will also be using specific staking strategies to increase chance of season profitability. Additionally, I will be posting all model predictions before each round and will be tracking my results throughout the season.

If you’re a budding data scientist (or mathematically curious) ensure you read ‘NRL Predictive Modelling-Deep dive‘ which outlines how the predictive model was developed and evaluated, and its theoretical performance on historic seasons (2009-2015). If you’re a keen-sports better, in addition to reading ‘NRL Predictive Modelling-Deep dive’ I would also recommend ‘NRL Staking Strategy’ which outlines the theoretical performance of various staking strategies using the predictive model picks, and outlines the specific strategy I will be employing this year.

Feel free to follow my progress, use my tips in any tipping comp and stake on my predictions but before you do don’t forget to read the disclosure statement (if not for a laugh)!!